Voice coach and singing teacher

Top tip: How to soothe a sore thoat

Posted by Beatrice Beston on Saturday, February 1, 2014
Do you suffer from a sore throat?
I hope not, but if you are this is one of
my top tips on what to do when you suffer from a sore throat. 
I love this drink and I hope you will enjoy it too.

This makes 1 cup of Lemon, Honey and Ginger tea.
Boil some water, add the juice of half a small lemon (fresh is possible) add a teaspoon of honey and some freshly grated ginger, a small piece of ginger is enough as ginger has quite a strong flavor.
Add more honey if you like it a bit sweeter! 

The heat and the ginger warms you right up, the steam and the lemon and the ginger help clear those sinuses, and the ginger and the honey will soothe the sore throat. 

Hope you enjoy it and that it helps! 
